Title I/II/Consortium
Funding and Budget
Title II (WIOA)
Riverside About Students Consortium
Title I
Title I is a TK-12 program that provides funding for additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of students who receive free or reduced price lunch. The program is intended to help ensure that all students meet the challenging state academic standards. The goals of Title I are to provide instructional support to students and professional development for teachers, in addition to promoting parent education and involvement.
Title I Information
- Parent Rights Under Title I
- Parent Involvement at our School
- School Achievement Data
- Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Title I Expenditures
- School Title I Parent Involvement Policy
- Title I Home/School Compact
- District Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Parent Rights Under Title I
Under Title I law, parents have the right to:
- Ask for their own meetings and trainings;
- Review the school’s achievement data to determine if Title I services are effective in meeting the
- goals for student proficiency in state standards;
- Review the parent involvement plan in the Single Plan for Student; Achievement (SPSA);
- Review and modify the site Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact;
- Review and suggest modifications for the District Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Parent Involvement at our School
The School Site Council (SSC) provides parents with the opportunity to be involved in the academic program of the school. The SSC develops, monitors, and evaluates the SPSA to implement programs and services that support students.
The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is an advisory committee made up of parents of students of English Learners. They advise the SSC on the development of the SPSA and in particular the school’s program for English Learners.
The African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) involves and engages parents in the decision making process to improve the quality of education for African American students by raising the level of awareness in our community about cultural learning differences and promoting an understanding among parents, educators, and other culturally sensitive issues relating to African American students.
School Achievement Data
Schools analyze the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASSP) and the California English Language Development Test (CELDT), and review school wide performance data, including Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Academic Performance Index (API). They use the data to align the curriculum to state and district academic standards. Schools adjust instructional practices based on the findings of the assessment data.
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Title I Expenditures
All schools in the Moreno Valley Unified School District receive Title I funds. Each school receives an allocation based on the number of students who receive free or reduced lunch per student. Title I funds must be in addition to district funding not take the place of district funding. One percent of that amount is allocated for parent involvement. Schools must allocate five percent of their Title I funds for professional development. Schools in Program Improvement must allocate a minimum of ten percent of their Title I funds for professional development.